Untitled 382

1:51 pm Had a bit of an odd dream last night. My dreams as a whole are very involved and detailed, from having the Carmex in my pocket break open to the arching ceiling/walls of the auditorium. Remembering them is the hard part. :) But in any case, this one circled around an AI that seemed to be making its home in what must have been RHS’s new music hall. Very strange, but the interior design was magnificent.

Interestingly, I can remember the logo for the network that the AI was inhabiting.

9:09 pm Ethan’s always been great at snowboarding. Or perhaps it shouldn’t formally be called ‘snowboarding’, per se, as he usually only uses those plastic boards without bindings as his weapon of choice. He was using one earlier today at the Rhody Christmas gathering at Donny’s place. We’d been sledding on the hill that ends in a pond, fairly steep and, as the pond is frozen, without undue danger of drowning.

Anyway, Ethan owned the hill more than once on that little board before discovering that the hill could indeed pwn him. He’s ended up with a compressed skull fracture – if you’re the type, your prayer for him would be grand. He’ll be flown out to Marshfield shortly.

That aside… bah. The sibs are watching Narnia; I’m going to wander off and join them.


wednesday 10:12 am He’s still in Marshfield, but reportedly doing well. They’ve opted against surgery; guess the trauma incurred wouldn’t be worth it. Given that, he should be released tomorrow.

Moral of the story: wear a helmet. Or at least make sure someone has a camera – I’m told his fall was spectacular.

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