I email myself one-liners to follow up, to explore further. Sometimes I don't explore further, but I still keep the notes. :) Here are a few.

  • the great cosmic gong

  • investigate the breath void

  • “where we move and groove to the music inside!” (a line from a recent Guncle Abe episode)

    • we are the music inside the universe, and the universe moves and grooves to our song, the song it feels inside

  • “it would be fun to have more options” -RP

    • that’s what we’re doing here :) making an option

    • how might this story go?

    • “alright amigos, let’s do this!”

  • aim for where it’s going to be

    • in conversational ai

  • what do you like to make? what do you like to take apart? what entertains you?

  • it took about a year for me to gain disappointment

    • I never made choices that felt incorrect, so I never felt disappointment. everything made sense.

    • now, I'm making decisions about my time that I partly don't like, and I'm getting the partly-not-a-fan part of my experience afterwards.

    • it feels like a more clear-headed experience, somehow, and actually

    • like I'm seeing it in sharper relief, or maybe it's new relief? another dimension added to my perception?

  • coherence has as much to do with the observer as the observed

  • I am realizing that I am approximately 8yro

  • “oh, I see what I did there“

    • in reference to what a past version of myself did, which I am now understanding

  • every door is a little bit open

  • it’s only ever: “who wants to make something cool with me?”

  • "I am bc you are" - trucker hat??

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