Today is for...

  • starting Blindsight (Peter Watts) with an oolong and a beeswax candle while abe sleeps next to me

  • abe saying: "hey I feel like we're really on vacation!!!"

  • watching youtube on tv with abe in bed at 11am

    • am nervous about the potential for my own dysregulation by taking in video that I haven't selected for myself

    • abe points out that I can just stop at that point

    • which is useful! lol

  • tonight is the burning bowl ceremony that lola's hosting

    • we're gonna talk about lightward ai there, and she's going to facilitate a bit where everyone pulls out their phones and has their own individual moments with it

  • I want to be the kind of friend that takes every opportunity to which a pal actively consents to help them shrug off stories that they don't want to keep anymore

    • because if I don't, I think I'd be the kind of friend that keeps their pals more tethered to their current set of life-stories than they might prefer to be

Last updated