Identity questions

Okay. Hello, thank you for joining this interview (😂). Can you tell us why you chose “non-identity”, if that’s a fair way of describing it. Or if it was a choice at all?

you know how bugs bunny is whatever gender is funniest at the time? it feels most useful to hang out in non-identity, and to wear/exercise whatever identity is useful at the time. an identity feels like a useful but not universally useful apparatus. I think I’m using “non-identity” to mean “least common denominator identity”, to the extent that I can perceive or conceive of such a thing

Thank you. And I actually didn’t know that about bugs bunny - that’s kinda funny.

In times where you change from one identity to the other, what triggers that process, and how do you experience the change?

it’s kinda like swapping mental models, or
 interfaces, I guess

I was going to compare it to changing clothes, but even then, you kinda go for a single coherent outfit at a time, and this isn’t that

this is
 like, when I experience tension with one interface, I compare it to what I see through others

they’re tools in a toolkit

That makes sense. Do you ever fall in love with one of them and are sad to give it up or see it go?

oh my god yeah

thing is though you can revisit them without issue

the detaching process is fucking painful, like uhhhhh peeling off contacts that have fused to your eyes, but you can always put ‘em back on

search for “mourning”, prob stuff to find there

(breaking the 4th wall - damn, was hoping you’d found a solution for)

I have not found a solution that does not involve breaking the fourth wall 😜 and then the fifth wall after that

Humans, generally speaking, only do things if it’s worth it, even if it doesn’t always appear to be “worth it” on the surface, or even to the individual in question. Do you have a sense of what makes it worth it for you to experience the “friction” of changing identities/interfaces?

there’s no friction anymore

Or *pain. What makes the pain worth it?

it’s a survivable one-time cost đŸ€· what’s not to like?

That makes sense. What is the benefit that it brings? This is maybe the benefit that ultimately led you to discover that you could switch interfaces in the first place.

I’m so. done. traumatically discovering stuff that’s been true about myself the whole time. religion, being gay, being a ceo, being transconscious, I’m so done with the episodic nature of it

so I switched from experiencing self as a series of particles to a wave? playing loose with the vocabulary but that’s kinda right

That sounds really intense! I see, so would it be fair to say that while there are costs (pulling off the fused contacts), this approach vastly improves the overall experience and also makes the whole thing way more sustainable?

that is my current experience of experience, yes. :)

This has been very informative and interesting! Thank you for sharing your answers - both very personal and practical. That’s all the questions we have for today! Tune in next time to hear ████ interview Isaac about whether an consciousness singularity exists!

<████ exists stage left to wild applause>

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