Gene Keys
All content here is from
1988-12-16 · 3:14pm · Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States
Life's Work
Your Life's Work: This aspect of your Profile and its relevant Gene Key highlights the ideal arena of your external work in the world. This is the role that most suits your creative expression and that allows you the full freedom to be yourself without compromise. The Shadow of this Gene Key describes what tends to occur around you when you lose touch with your true self. At the other end of the spectrum, the Siddhi or highest potential of this Gene Key describes you living at the absolute zenith of your genetic potential. In your Pearl Sequence this Sphere is known as your 'Brand' as it guides you in how best to express your highest Gifts in order that you can achieve true recognition in life.
Your Brand (Pearl/Activation Sequence): It is about how you project your inner essence out into the world uniquely. It’s about clear and honest communication with others.
“If we have the 11th Gift, or are contemplating it, we can use the beautiful richness of the right brain visions and archetypes in our life to launch it onto a higher level. That is our greatest Gift – to catch others on fire with the Light that burns in our heart. Our Gift is our heart, our love, our devotion.”
The Shadow of Obscurity
Obscurity is the interference between the logical left-brain and the imaginative right-brain, resulting in miscommunication between inner dreams and ideals and the external reality with others. Obscurity is the filter through which each individual views reality. This filter is based on one’s projections, assumptions, and delusions – creating an inner propaganda that only sees what it wants to see, generally proving one's inner fears as valid. Inside the mind, a pantheon of fear-based archetypes take shape, causing a recurrence of unhealthy patterns within relationships and challenging situations until each fear is seen clearly and integrated into the psyche in a balanced way. Obscurity can lead to a feeling of lost dreams, escapist tendencies, or feelings of denial, guilt, and repression. When the imagery of the right-brain is repressed, it turns inward into fantasy. Without a proper creative outlet, a fantasizing attitude is a life not fully lived, leading to gradual deterioration of one’s vitality. When the floodgates of imagery in the repressed right-brain are unleashed (whether through therapy, art, meditation, mystical experience, psychedelics, etc.), the reality of the mind is shattered, and intense sensations may be difficult to integrate. Without proper integration, one may react from a deluded place and attempt to manifest its confused and obscured inner dreams through ungrounded impatience or anger, leading to disappointment and breakdown.
The Gift of Idealism
Idealism is the ability to play with the imagery and creative power of the abstract right-brain and bring higher visions into form. Idealism sees the world as a series of magical symbols that weave together to reveal our higher potential and live in harmony with all of life. From ancient symbols and amulets to modern day branding and jewelry, everyone has the ability to imbue intention into these everyday archetypes to evoke a sense of magic, wonder, and the potential for the miraculous. Idealism is not just an idle fantasy but creates a grounded structure for higher ideals to be experienced and modeled. Idealism is to know magic is indeed real yet has the playfulness to not over-identify with these different symbols, systems, or hopes and dreams as concrete truths. When manifesting these higher visions into the world, it is important to follow the clues one has witnessed in dreams, meditations, or mystical experiences, yet remain open and flexible to how those visions must adapt in order to play out externally. This gift is about loosening one's expectations of how or when an ideal situation is supposed to occur and allow the dream seed to unfold in its own natural timing.
The Siddhi of Light
When an individual faces the collection of one's deepest fears, hopes, and dreams, the sense of separation dissolves and life is revealed in its pure essence – Light. Light is the intelligence of life beyond all identification, experienced as the mind and body of the Divine. Light is the revelation of the fundamental pattern of reality, experienced through the mind emptied of all thought.
Line 3 · Changer
"Commit to the energy of each moment. Commitment is not the end of the adventure, but rather an exciting new beginning."
As the "Changer" archetype, you are invited to be true to your colorful, unpredictable, and versatile style. Your life may call you to a diverse array of relationships, creative interests, careers, or locations. Your greatest strength lies in your capacity to adapt, to learn, and to grow. As you explore life in this manner, you develop a wealth of wisdom and abundance of joy to share with the world.
My Life's Work · What I’m here to do
Your outer life is the greatest mirror of how close you are or how far you are from making your dreams a reality. You have to realise something very important about your mind — the images you have for what you would like your life to be like are symbolic rather than literal. There is no outer circumstance that will fulfil your dreams. Fulfilling your dreams is about bringing what is within you into the outer world, rather than trying to manifest your projection of what you think you want. What matters most is that you never let go of the ideal behind the images. Working out the details of your dream is out of your hands and frankly, unimportant. You must believe in yourself even when others think you are mad. Your idealism is the fuel that drives your life. You must embrace what happens on the surface as an aspect of your perfectly unfolding destiny.
In direct opposition to your Life's Work, your Evolution represents the single greatest challenge in your life. The purpose of this Gene Key is to inspire you to grow, mature and eventually flourish. The challenge of your Evolution will manifest both internally and externally through its Shadow frequency. As you learn to embrace this aspect of yourself so your life will gradually be transformed. The highest purpose of your Evolution is to allow you to transcend your own suffering and ultimately find deep and lasting peace.
“With the 12th Siddhi, we can be locked up in prison, they can do anything to us, but they can never stop our love. When we get in touch and in tune with our heart, then all of our relationships and dilemmas are resolved.”
The Shadow of Vanity
Vanity is when the love of one's own uniqueness creates isolation or division with others. It is the separation from life that occurs when one identifies with the beauty or pain of their own individuality. Rooted in the longing to express one's purest qualities to the world, Vanity is often reflected in the power of language and art. However, the shadow of Vanity is afraid of losing power through honest authenticity. Thus, Vanity pushes away the potential for love and intimacy by isolating from others through defensiveness or the thought of being different from everyone else. Sometimes, Vanity is expressed outwardly, through malice, or it is subtly hidden in the words one does not say. This elitist attitude may agree with someone outwardly, but inwardly judges the situation and chooses to remain detached from real intimacy. This type of vanity believes itself to be different from others, either by assuming oneself as unworthy and needing to be fake to fit in, or by assuming oneself as superior and thus subconsciously looks down on people with some form of pity or patronizing behavior. This is especially slippery in the "highly refined spiritual ego", where one feels they are purer than others because of the amount of "spiritual self-work" they have done. On the opposite spectrum, a malicious nature uses discrimination to hurt others. This type of Vanity uses the power of the voice and language to purposefully inflict pain, push people's buttons, and create further division in an attempt to validate its own authority and perpetuate a specific selfish worldview.
The Gift of Discrimination
The gift of Discrimination is to know inherently what you love, what is authentic, and then channel this awareness into your life as art. Those carrying this gift wield exceptional talent in one area or another and represent the great artists of their time. Discrimination takes the vain urge to be better than others as an opportunity to refine authentic expressions of creativity. These high standards become the ability to discriminate and critique art and expression, not as a form of malice or judgment, but as a radar for what is true. Discrimination is the ability to recognize the beauty of true expression, as well as see through falsehoods and concealed agendas. This gift dives into the drama of life without fear, allowing every experience to be expressed through authenticity and creativity. Instead of cutting down others with divisive words or actions, the gift of Discrimination inspires beauty and truth through honing one’s skillful means.
The Siddhi of Purity
Purity is the true nature of humanity, unblemished by the duality of the mind. Purity is the awakening of the Inner Beloved. This divine marriage of inner masculine and feminine energy is the expression of true love, purified of any external agendas. Purity sees all of life as reflections of the Higher Heart, experiencing the wondrous innocence of the child and the compassionate wisdom of the sage, expressed through the poetry of presence and the language of love.
Line 3 · Energy & Experience
"Your outer role in life is fueled by your commitment to each present moment experience, embracing the energy of each situation beyond the fear of success and failure."
Your outer role in life is fueled by your commitment to each present moment experience, embracing the energy of each situation beyond the fear of success and failure. Your primary challenge revolves around the pattern of avoidance. This avoidance may be rooted in shame or fear of fully feeling the emotions that are stirred up when you slow down and meet the present moment. Your great gifts come alive when you are honest with each of your commitments.
My Evolution · What I’m here to learn
Your greatest challenge in life is to learn to discriminate which ideas and ideals can actually be brought into manifestation and which cannot. Deep within you, you have dreams that you want to fulfil, but again and again life will remind you to be realistic about them. This does not mean that you cannot attain your dreams. It means you have to be as honest with yourself as you are with others. Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn, and often this direction change can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. You have a Gift of balancing your dreams with a healthy dose of reality and surrender. You can spend a great deal of time in your head pondering life, and you may forget that you actually have a talent for dealing with real life situations and challenges. You always need this balance between the ideal and the real. Within it lies your awesome power and your unique expression.
Your Radiance has a direct bearing on your physical, emotional and mental health. As one of your hidden Gifts, this Gene Key will either undermine your health and wellbeing through its Shadow frequency or bring great love and vitality to you through its Gift. The Radiance also has an indirect relationship to your Evolution. The more you listen to and learn from the lessons of your life, the more radiant you become. At its very highest level, your Radiance represents the final flowering of your highest mystical potential.
“Every human being is emotionally vulnerable until we drop our protective defences. The defences form around our heart, and as long as our hearts remain defended and closed, they can’t heal.”
The Shadow of Conflict
Conflict is the imbalance of polarities rooted in an inability to handle the intensity of human emotions. Conflict occurs when two or more people identify solely with their emotional state. It expresses itself through an imbalance in polarity, whether between masculine and feminine, religion and science, or logical thought versus felt experience. Conflict is the disturbance of an individual, environment, or entire culture through the repression of guilt and shame or the projection of blame and anger. It is the defensive nature of the mind attempting to find security in the uncertain realm of emotions by placing walls and boundaries to protect itself against the fear of the other. Those who run from conflict express an over-attentive attitude, attempting to please others at any expense in a false attempt to maintain peace. Those who are unable to contain their emotions tend to act in a tactless attitude, lashing out against others without taking self-responsibility.
The Gift of Diplomacy
Diplomacy is the ability to adjust one's own behavior in order to create a harmonious exchange with others, without compromising one’s own sovereignty. Diplomacy is rooted in the ability to see one's own projections and traumas, thus restoring balance to the neurological and biochemical systems of the body. Emotional maturity means being lucid and aware even in heightened emotional states. Diplomacy is the ability to maintain a sense of peace amidst disturbance. When one side of the argument is able to fully take responsibility and stop feeding the blame game, the other side is inevitably forced to face their own triggers as well. Diplomacy is a balance of honesty and timing, infused with great care, compassion, and courage to face conflict with transparency and authentic responsibility for one's own part. Rooted in open-hearted communication, diplomacy is the art of dismantling one's own defensive nature, pulling down the walls, and learning to love others even in the face of fear and anger.
The Siddhi of Peace
Peace is the natural state of humanity, revealed when all boundaries and defensive attitudes are dissolved. Peace is a revelation of unified consciousness that finds no need to react against the illusion of separation. Peace is the underlying frequency of love behind any battle. In this way, the ultimate defense is emptiness.
Line 5 · Impact
"Your vitality is fueled by an inner drive to impact the world. Your charming Radiance may draw people to you who can help enact beneficial change and transformation to the world."
Your vitality is fueled by your inner drive to impact the world. Your charming radiance may draw people to you who can help enact beneficial change and transformation in the world. In this way, you are a natural leader and must seek practical channels for your creative spirit.
My Radiance · What keeps me healthy
One of the great joys of your life as well as one of your deep needs is physical and emotional intimacy. Relationships for you need the charge of polarity and sexuality, because this is what makes you feel alive. Your Gift of Diplomacy is about knowing when someone is available for intimacy and when they are not. Diplomacy has nothing to do with forcing and everything to do with allowing. It is actually not possible for you to be yourself and not be intimate with another person, although obviously this intimacy has its own timing. You may often feel that you are waiting for the other person to open to you which is why you have to be patient. When you take this Gift to its highest level, you arrive at a state where you don't need any one person, but have beautiful relationships with everyone. Ultimately, the peace you have always sought lies deep within your own body.
Your other hidden Gift, your Purpose, lies hidden deep within your DNA. When you trust in your highest dreams and have the courage to manifest them through your Life's Work, then your Purpose begins to nourish you from deep within your being. When you ignite the Gift of this Gene Key then you activate the forces of synchronicity and grace in your outer life. Your Purpose is all laid out for you already, and all you have to do is unlock it. This can only occur as you embrace your own inner nobility and express it through selfless service and unconditional love
“The 36th Gift doesn’t freeze. It doesn’t close down. It stays open. Wow. Do you know what that entails? Someone or something completely threatens to overwhelm us, and we stay open. Our heart may recoil for a few moments, but we breathe deeply into our chest, anchor ourself in the belly, and look the experience right in the eye.”
The Shadow of Turbulence
Turbulence is the fear of crisis. It is the emotional and chemical imbalances in the body that repress or react against life’s challenges. This general feeling of unease develops from a lack of trust with the uncertainty of life. Rooted in the instinct to survive, Turbulence is the knowledge that danger could strike at any moment, causing the body’s neurochemistry to go into fight or flight at any perceived risk. When emotional difficulties and situations trigger these physical defense systems, the body may constrict the breath instead of engaging with the situation as a learning opportunity. Turbulence can also be seen in personal relationships through sexual lust and addiction to emotional crisis, rooted in the urge to break through boundaries. When turbulence is resisted, it becomes nervousness or illness. Such people are unable to relax, and their own nervous energy actually destabilizes the environment they are trying to control. When emotional turbulence is expressed without clarity or honesty, it results in a crisis-prone environment. Such people are magnets for trouble and may attempt to conceal their guilt inside relationships, inevitably causing more conflict and breakdown of communication.
The Gift of Humanity
Humanity is expressed in this context as emotional maturity – the ability to openly embrace life’s challenges with respect and compassion. All beings are suffering in some way. Humanity is the recognition that suffering is actually what unites us as a human family. It is the embrace of pain as an opportunity to love more deeply. Those with this gift will be capable of navigating all forms of challenging and traumatic situations with care and consideration for all involved.
The Siddhi of Compassion
Compassion is the love that blossoms from suffering, like the lotus born from the mud. The journey of Compassion can be experienced as periods of intense challenge that annihilates all fear from the body, leaving only love. Compassion is the ability to truly see suffering as grace and become a bridge between victimhood and divine freedom.
Line 5 · Voice (frequency)
"Through your practical and charismatic leadership you, you have the capacity to bring clarity, organization, and improvement to some area of the world."
To embody your true purpose, you are invited to explore the power and impact of your voice. Your purpose is one that must be spoken and shared. Thus, through your practical and charismatic leadership you, you have the capacity to bring clarity, organization, and improvement to some area of the world. Once you have tasted a sense of freedom from codependency and confusion, you naturally want to share that realization with everyone else! Your purpose will be activated by your ability to draw in the right collaborators to support your vision to deliver potent solutions to the world’s problems. Whether your skills are set on the global stage, or in seemingly small pockets inside your local community, every action aligned with virtuous intent will ripple out for the benefit of the whole.
My Purpose · What deeply fulfils me
The purpose of your life is to keep opening your heart to everything and everyone that comes your way. This may seem like a tall order, but it will remain the true agenda at the root of your life. In the beginning, you may well find that whenever you feel hurt by something or someone, you close down. Over time however, you will learn how to remain soft and open, whilst at the same time having firm boundaries that prevent others from abusing you. In this way, you will see that no one can really hurt you unless you choose to be hurt. This attitude will ensure that you keep expanding and opening to deeper and deeper states of consciousness, especially as you grow older. You will know you have discovered your life's purpose when you can welcome every single situation or event that occurs to you as an opportunity to open your heart, even if you do not derive pleasure from it.
Integral to your Venus Sequence, this Sphere represents your attractor field - a mysterious magnetic power in your aura that draws certain karmic relationships into your life at specific times. This Gene Key therefore determines the nature of who comes into your life. If you give way to the Shadow, then it will manifest as an ongoing external conflict that you will meet in your relationships. Once you have transformed the Shadow of this Gene Key, you will begin to discover its Gifts and your relationships will open up new vistas and possibilities. At the highest level, this Gene Key can also unlock the secrets of tantra - the transmutation of your sexuality into spiritual essence.
“The ancients named this Gene Key, this Hexagram – The Joyous. But how can we have joy without sadness. Loss is a part of human life. We all lose those we love. How we deal with loss is a deep, deep part of our learning within this Gene Key.”
The Shadow of Dissatisfaction
Dissatisfaction is the incessant pattern of wishing the current circumstances were different than what they are. Rooted in the instinctual impulse to improve reality, dissatisfaction is the deep sense of restlessness, unease, and lack of fulfillment one feels when life isn't going their way. Whether driven by the desire to advance humanity, or a selfish thirst to fulfill one's agendas, Dissatisfaction is unable to rest in the present moment and accept “what is” in order to move toward a more satisfying future. This pressure to escape one’s discomfort interferes with life’s natural flow and only serves to perpetuate the cycle of disappointment.
The Gift of Vitality
Vitality is the natural joyousness that erupts from one who has turned their search for satisfaction inward and quieted the mind enough to bear the beauty of the present moment. Vitality is the dissolution of the mind's attempt to control external situations. It is a deep relaxation within the body that allows access to an untapped reservoir of life force energy. This inner vitality is an infinite renewable resource when used for the betterment of humanity. This gift of Vitality innately supports others through infectious joy and effortless creativity, free from the need for approval or recognition.
The Siddhi of Bliss
Bliss is the flood of sensations felt when one’s heart is so full that it bursts with love for all of creation. Bliss experiences the continuous waves of beauty that all of life is composed of, available when the mind stops trying to interpret sensations in the duality of good and bad, pleasure or pain. Bliss contains the full spectrum of emotions, merging all sensation into the extraordinary, visceral feeling of being alive.
Line 4 · Frigidity/Romance
"Within yourself, increase your awareness of the Shadows that may hold back or distort your loving kindness. Within others, increase your awareness of their Higher Gifts."
Your unique access point to the Attractor Field is through the pathway of Intimate Romance. Your creativity and sexuality have the capacity to be warm, inviting, and deeply intimate with those in your life you feel safe enough to share. The highest expression of this love is the greatest romantic adventure of all time -- to open your heart fully. At times, however, you may experience your attractor field close down and wall itself off from others. This frigidity and coldness may manifest as a feeling of distance with your relationships, or a numbness to your own authentic feelings. Have you ever told someone you loved “I’m fine”, and begin to close off from truly expressing yourself? This is the great challenge of your Attractor Field -- to gently and lovingly romance yourself back from these cold, constricted moments of shutting down.
IQ (intellectual)
This Sphere relates to your third seven-year cycle from the age of 14 to 21. As this is our mental developmental cycle, this Shadow of this Gene Key governs the way in which you learned to use your mind to try and control your emotions and override your intuition. As you become aware of the pattern of this Gene Key and its controlling and stifling influence on your emotional life, so you can unlock its Gift. This will disable your primary emotional trigger, making you both less reactive and less provocative in all your relationships. A by- product of this is that your mind will expand. Your IQ soars to encompass all possibilities in life when released from unconscious narrow-minded or opinionated thinking. The Gift and Siddhi of this Gene Key point to the area where your mind can have the greatest influence in inspiring and elevating the minds of others.
“To live a life of genius, we have to start believing in ourselves again. We have to get in touch with our hearts and our dreams. We may also feel we’re trapped, if we’ve been living a very compromised life. But we’re never trapped.”
The Shadow of Compromise
Compromise is a commitment to action that is not in alignment with higher purpose. Compromise is rooted in the fear that one lacks the capacity to manifest their true dreams in life. It implies a lack of imagination or belief in one's own unique gifts, and generally concedes to work hard in a socially accepted role instead of standing up for one's higher values. Compromised actions result in the leaking of energy and enthusiasm. When repressed, Compromise becomes impotence, where both sexual and creative energy become locked up when activity is not directed towards a truly fulfilling purpose. Making compromises out of fear inhibits fertility and depletes creative life force, thus perpetuating a cycle of powerlessness and lack of courage to follow one's true path. Others react against this insecurity by working hard to prove oneself, becoming enslaved to their own need for recognition.
The Gift of Competence
Competence is the ability to perform tasks with precision and elegance in alignment with natural and harmonious rhythms. Competence is the radiant attitude when one is following their passions, exemplified by qualities of creativity, originality, and enthusiasm. Competence is the efficient balance between times of creativity and receptivity. It is the ability to listen and respond to the environment, empowering one to work smarter instead of harder. Competent leaders inspire independence and confidence in their team. This creative magnetism helps groups discover coherence together through mutual enthusiasm for the project at hand.
The Siddhi of Bounteousness
Bounteousness is a divine wildfire of fertility, pushing the whole of humanity in the direction of abundance. Bounteousness is the dissolution of personal agendas through the recognition that every individual is a cell in a larger organism. This awareness triggers a flood of prosperity, helping all beings within the larger organism to thrive.
Line 5 · The Practical mind (defensive)
"Let the Catalyst guide you to use your powerful mind and charismatic voice for the greater good, listening to the feedback of others and dismantling your own defensive belief structures and egoic agendas."
The Practical Mind has the extraordinary capability of digesting complex information to produce clear, coherent, and relatable messages. You may find a love for efficiency, whether in your work, at home, or emotional efficiency with your friends and family. You have the capacity to be both charismatic and practical, inspiring yourself and others to find creative solutions for the world’s problems, no matter how large or small. Yet this powerful force of the practical mind can also trap you in self-pity or a defensive attitude.
EQ (emotional)
This Sphere relates to your second seven-year cycle from the age of 7 to 14. As this is our emotional developmental cycle, the Shadow of this Gene Key governs your primary emotional defence mechanism, which is the set pattern you adopted as a child whenever you felt unsafe. Once you have identified and released this pattern, you will become far more comfortable with your emotions, allowing them to flow naturally through you without being overwhelmed by them. The Gene Key relating to this point is also connected with the release of your own inner child, thus when the Gift of this Gene Key opens, you will experience a great surge of playfulness and freedom in your life.
“Ultimately this Siddhi will be needed by all travellers into the beyond, because it takes Valour to die with an open heart. To give up our identity, our attachments, our body, and merge into the limitless light, requires the exquisite cocktail of courage and love.”
The Shadow of Control
Control is power used to serve personal agendas over collective interests, wielded from a place of tightness or fear. This type of power is found in hierarchies and patriarchal models where resources are controlled at the top of the pyramid, generally managed, and maintained by fear and manipulation over others. Control is rooted in the instinctual defense of territory and resources including food, water, land, time, energy, reputation, and money. In relationships, dominant personalities attempt to hide their sense of inadequacy and distrust in life by controlling as many variables in their environment as possible. Control can be expressed through greed or repressed as a submissive personality. Submissive personalities give away their power to others, fearing the responsibility to stand in their authority. Controlling personalities attempt to manage every aspect of self and environment to maintain a sense of security, inevitably coiling up their own anger to the point of disease and broken relationships.
The Gift of Authority
Authority is the strength to take full responsibility for one's life, and the impact of one’s choices on the whole. In this way, Authority is to be the author of one's own life. Though no one can control the external environment, each individual has the ability to control their own emotional responses to life's circumstances. Authority unites people together and inspires loyalty from heart-centered communication. True authority is asserted through trust, not through fear or force of will. Authority may assume the power to lead, but both leader and follower are in deep service to the communal vision and do not fall into the victim patterns of dominance and submission. In this way, Authority may assume the role of decision maker for the group, and thus take on the responsibility for the collective impact. Acting alongside all others involved, the true leader surrenders personal agendas and power struggles to be in service for the greater good.
The Siddhi of Valour
Valor is nobility in action. It is the expression of virtue, wisdom, love, and sacrifice in the world. Valor is the courage to see the divine in all beings, even in the darkest and most unpleasant reflections of the human experience. Valor does not excuse the injustice of violence and would gladly sacrifice itself as a living example of humanity's highest ideals. Valor represents the surrender of the masculine need to control, into the feminine wisdom of trust in life. To be truly sovereign is to be at ease inside oneself, no longer tempted to try and control others, but simply emanating virtue in every breath.
Line 4 · Kindness/Meanness
"If you ever use the term “I’m fine” to describe your emotional state, consider asking yourself how authentic are you being in this moment? When you are cut off from the flow of self-esteem within you, you may use this cold defense mechanism to lash out or manipulate others in order to find safety externally."
Your secret to healthy relating is rooted in your sense of self esteem and authenticity in sharing your love.
SQ (spiritual)
Also known as the 'Love Point', this Sphere relates to your first seven-year cycle from birth to age 7. As this is our physical developmental cycle, this Gene Key governs the primary physiological rhythms and structural patterns that are the basis of your identity. When your awareness reaches deep down into your Love Point, you are on the cusp of the greatest healing there is - the possibility of permanently reopening your heart for the first time since early childhood. The Shadow of this Gene Key is an unconscious pattern that undermines your self-esteem at a fundamental level. Working through this Shadow and opening up the Gift and Siddhi of this Gene Key in your life ensures that all your relationships can finally become deeply fulfilling and transparent.
“The 7th Gene Key definitely has potent leadership potential, but they’re not always leaders per se. They’re people with influence. In any group, the 7th Gene Key carries this power that when it speaks, others will listen.”
The Shadow of Division
Division is the psychology and execution of hierarchy by thinking in terms that divide people into different classes, castes, or identities. It is the fear of losing power, rooted in the inability to empathize with the hearts of others. On a global level, Division is epitomized by the cut-throat models of business and politics that disregard their impact on people or nature. Divisive thinking is expressed by many world leaders of government and business who act out of self-interest at the expense of the collective well-being. Even spiritual leaders, teachers, and healers may unconsciously keep their followers in a victimized state through force, fear, or manipulation to maintain a sense of identity and success. In relationships, Division can be felt in the unhealthy push and pull of agendas and expectations, rooted in the inability to truly listen. Unconsciously, this shadow constructs unhealthy power dynamics in its relationships, resulting in an underlying feeling of uncertainty and fear instead of mutual respect and love. Division can be expressed outwardly by a dictatorial attitude, trapping others through emotional and intellectual manipulation as a way to enforce reliance on one’s self-serving authority model. This inherent leadership ability can also be hidden and repressed, resulting in a wave of future leaders not stepping forward out of fear, frustration, resentment, or sense of inadequacy against the status quo.
The Gift of Guidance
Guidance is the gift of helping others find their own way forward. It is the ability to listen to the cares and concerns of groups and communities, and then use discernment to initiate the next steps forward for the benefit of all. True leadership does not impose itself on anyone and is designed to empower individuals to lead themselves. Guidance requires letting go of personal agendas and opinions and learning to surrender to the natural intelligence of life. A real leader is the ultimate listener, empathizing with the healing of the heart and giving permission for others to embrace their pain without fear. Guidance is the ability to think at a collective organizational level. It is the recognition that projects, businesses, and communities will not thrive unless individuals are suitably self-empowered. In this way, guidance is the ‘power behind the throne’, able to influence and facilitate smooth communication that empowers group coherence with little direct interference. Guidance trusts that life is the greatest leader and aligns to the pathway of loving service.
The Siddhi of Virtue
Virtue - Virtue is to live in a state where every thought, deed, and action is infused with compassion, integrity, and nobility for the benefit of all beings. Virtuous acts live beyond the need for recognition. They are guided by the divine, pulling humanity into a more harmonious future. Every tiny virtuous act committed by humanity helps to repair the world.
Line 1 · Certainty (rhythm and routine)
"The longing of your soul to find safety may interfere with relationships if you try to seek out this security from others. Look deeply into any habits of transferring your fear and emotional needs onto others in your life."
Your destiny is to become an example of the unshakeable foundation of love in the universe. As you rise into your extraordinary nature, the harmony you discover within yourself, is what also unifies all beings. You have the capacity to experience a cellular certainty about life. The secret architecture of reality is that every experience contains the holographic reflection of love. Your heros’ journey in this lifetime is to discover and embody the wholeness of love: the point when every cell of your body is saying yes.
The Sphere of your Core relates to the 9-month gestation period, when all your life's patterns - physical, emotional and mental were imprinted inside your mother's womb. Your Core reveals the final layer of your deepest potential. Woven into your DNA is an ancient wound that you share with all humanity. As your awareness penetrates this place inside yourself, so you will paradoxically experience your unity with all beings. The Shadow of this Gene Key conceals your highest Vocation - that great Gift that can one day motivate you to excel in life. As you unlock this Gene Key through following your Venus Sequence back through your childhood, you can one day bring your awareness back to the point of conception, to this wonderful mystery in which all your suffering is transformed into your Divinity.
Vocation (Venus Sequence; Core Wound) is a deep inner calling that calls you out into the world. Your unique genius is being called forth in service to the greater good of the whole. Core talent is concealed here, the mysterious gift that you’ve carried within since conception. It takes great courage unveil this gift that you carry which belongs to the collective.
“How can we harm another when we realise that they’re a part of us? How can we harm another when we’re feeling so good? The 17th Siddhi is part of the tradition of sudden awakening. When someone sees through their denial, it shatters them wide open to the core. This is St. Paul on the road to Damascus; this is a thunderbolt.”
The Shadow of Opinion
Opinion is the tendency for the logical left brain to look for flaws in oneself, others, environment, or society, and then build an entire worldview around the problem it has discovered. Opinion focuses its dissatisfaction into a single point of comparison, using all further information as evidence to prove this cynical conclusion. Opinion is rooted in the mind's futile search to satisfy its own restless need for answers, amplified when one identifies with an idea as dogmatic truth. This can lead to qualities of over-seriousness and defensiveness, using logic to enforce opinionated viewpoints as truth. Those that constantly compare themselves to others may repress their own power with self-critical attitudes, accumulating evidence that they are unworthy and thus undermine their own voice.
The Gift of Far-sightedness
Farsightedness is the ability to see both the details of a situation as well as the holistic overview, balancing awareness of imperfections with an open-mindedness for potential solutions. Farsightedness can see beyond the trappings of opinions and distractions that try to seduce the mind into irrelevant details and close-minded logic. It is the ability to grasp the divine mathematics of the universe by tracking recurring patterns and predicting potential outcomes based on the natural rhythms of life. Like the eyes of the collective, Farsightedness see the pieces of life's puzzle and how they may fit into a synergy of interconnectedness.
The Siddhi of Omniscience
Omniscience is the all-seeing eye of the divine. It is the awareness that sees all of life as an ever-repeating fractal of consciousness. Omniscience is represented by the complete opening of the Ajna or Third Eye, including the pituitary and pineal glands of the human brain. Omniscience dissolves human denial by seeing through one's illusions and revealing a grace beyond blame or comparison.
Line 5 · Guilt/Forgiveness
"Your role is to lead humanity towards the practical implementation of putting collective interests ahead of personal gain."
You have the extraordinary capacity to impact the world and those around you through the choices you make. At whatever level you play within the whole, your gifts are here to model service and compassionate leadership. Whether it is in your workplace, your creative passions, or your family life at home, you have the capacity to guide others towards a more beautiful and harmonious life. Within your Vocation lie the core wounds of guilt, defensiveness and victimisation. Though you may love simplicity and practicality, your mind is a minefield of complicated and self-obsessed thoughts. You may become victim to your own righteousness, trying to defend your point of view against all others. Or you may try to compromise your inner truth in order to fit in the status quo, thus breeding deep resentment in your relationships. The core challenge lies in power dynamics. Where have others misused or abused power against you? Where do you misuse or abuse power in your life? Your greatest strength lies in your vulnerability. It is your role to transmute fear, guilt, resentment, and confusion through the power of forgiveness. You have the great honor of smashing the old paradigms of resentment and victimization, to innovate new structures of language and compassionate actions that can maximize the amazing creative genius inherent in all of humanity.
The Gene Key of your Culture shows you how you best fit into the social fabric of the world. In your Pearl Sequence, the Shadow of this Gene Key directly blocks you from manifesting prosperity. By working through the fear in this Shadow, you can therefore open up a period of amazing growth in your life. The Gift and Siddhi of your Culture trigger the forces that catalyse your higher life purpose. They can also bring powerful new allies into your life that will assist you in your Purpose. Your Culture also shows you how you are best designed to operate as part of a collectivity. It engenders material, emotional and spiritual prosperity.
“Higher intelligence is a fusion of heart, mind, and spirit. We need a new type of thinker in the world, one who isn’t sunk into their mind alone, one whose spirit isn’t for sale to the highest bidder, and one whose emotional life has matured enough, so they can use their feminine qualities in harmony with their masculine.”
The Shadow of Indifference
Indifference is a diffusion of responsibility rooted in the fear of fully embracing change outside of one's comfort zone. Lacking enthusiasm for life, Indifference wastes precious time and energy on inessential thoughts or actions that divert natural vitality from the present moment. It is unwilling to follow one's true passions into the world, usually with excuses of timing such as ‘not being ready’ or ‘not having enough time’. Expressed through the fear that no amount of work will be able to change the heaviness of reality, Indifference leads some to give up and hide in a state of complacency and powerlessness. Others may become obsessed and deluded with techniques, skills, and systems to help attain their goals, yet never step beyond the mental trap into one’s real experience.
The Gift of Versatility
Versatility is the courage to become fully present despite negative thought forms. It is the enthusiasm to learn new creative skills, and the determination to carry out one’s passion into the world. Versatility is able to pick up any gift or artistic medium that best serves a greater mission of service out into the world. It is interested in self-sustaining models of efficiency and finding ways to maximize resources without causing harm to people or the environment. Versatility is a quality of genius that can discover magical solutions to the problems of today.
The Siddhi of Mastery
Mastery is the field of genius miraculously accessible to all beings, beyond the normal cultivation of skills or talents. It is the revelation that nothing is impossible. Mastery occurs when the individual dissolve’s personal identity and agendas and allows the divine to fully sing its song.
Line 1 · Individual
"The world needs your self-empowered and strong foundation of virtuous ideals in the world."
Your role in the larger culture is through your initiative as an individual. This Gene Key invites you to be bold and follow your creative instincts when it feels correct inside your body. If your ideals are truly aligned with the harmony of life, you will naturally rally others to support your growth and help share your ideas out into the world. Your unique gifts make you a karmic gathering point for like minded beings, helping to form a fractal organism of allies with the skills and enthusiasm to help you manifest your inner dreams. Your great trial will be to learn to let go of control of your ideas, to release your need for recognition, and allow your allies to bring this dream to life. Your gifts and talents can either be self-motivated or self-absorbed. Your greatest satisfaction will not come from the end goal, but from living within the great mystery of getting there. As you embody the virtuous ideals of your Culture, you will build the foundation for many others to rise into their gifts with you.
This sphere represents a great harvest in your life. This Gene Key brings you rewards and grace once you have let go of its underlying Shadow pattern. The Shadow of this Gene Key makes you tight, especially when you allow stress to lead you away from the beautiful and the simple. You become tight when you succumb to the status quo and compromise a life that could be exquisite for a life of drudgery and monotony. The Gift and Siddhi of this Gene Key remind you of what is essential in your life. When you bring your full awareness onto these Gifts, you will experience a clarity in your life that most people can only dream of.
“We need not fear Mediocrity as long as our heart is open and singing. We no longer need to react to it, and find ourself at odds with the status quo. True Style is found in the marketplace, living as an example of a true rebellious human being, unchained by external definitions, and unfettered by conditioning, ancestral or cultural.”
The Shadow of Mediocrity
Mediocrity is the collapse of individual uniqueness and spontaneous creativity in an attempt to feel safe inside a larger society. Mediocrity is rooted in the fear of being different and seeks the illusion of security by following the values, aesthetics, or responsibilities set by external authority figures. By following the popular crowd, one succumbs to living in a stereotype to look and act like others in a false sense of identity. This fear can lead to compromising one's true dreams in life, living up to others' standards and expectations instead of serving evolutionary growth. Many people collapse into this mediocrity and become wooden or hollow. They experience being swallowed up by responsibilities of life, devoid of creativity and spontaneity, and inevitably following a set of rules without connection to true purpose. This repressive attitude has forgotten how to express itself. Others react against the pressure of mediocrity through anger, becoming ‘rebels without a cause’, and use wild aesthetics, lifestyles, or philosophies in a vain attempt to separate themselves from societal norms. When rooted in anger and resentment, this reaction against the mainstream feeds the system of social stereotypes, creating an artificial sense of uniqueness yet inevitably leading one to fall into a similar stream of conditioning inside other fringe groups. There is a fine line between liberating oneself and adopting oppressive techniques against others in the search for freedom.
The Gift of Style
Style is the unique rebellious spirit of creativity and spontaneity, rooted in the natural flowering of one's innate genius. True style cannot be faked or imitated. This natural creativity emerges from the freshness of each moment, and thus cannot be preconceived or driven by mental agendas. The gift of Style is to be true to one's natural passions and heart-centered values without concern for what others think. Through devotion to one's unique style, success, and failure cease to be the primary drive for actions. This intuitive trust in the natural creative impulse of life shatters societal norms through joy and enthusiasm instead of anger and resentment. This sense of freedom attracts mutual respect and opportunities for collaboration with other creatives striving to bring about a more loving, inspiring, and beautiful world for all.
The Siddhi of Exquisiteness
Exquisiteness is the revelation of the wild and untamed beauty of life within self and other. Exquisiteness occurs as the deep love and acceptance of one’s own extraordinary nature, reveals the same shimmering beauty in all other beings. Exquisiteness is the recognition of each moment as precious. Whether through poetry and art, science and invention, yoga and dance, Exquisiteness finds a way to express the brilliance of the divine in a creative form. To live in exquisiteness is to live in the ecstatic rush of love from within.
Line 4 · Charity
"You are here to transform the lives of those in need by sharing selflessly. "
The secret to your prosperity is the act of heartfelt charity. Reciprocity is the fundamental pattern that connects all things. Whether you know it or not, your greatest joy in this world will come from your loving service to others. Your destiny for prosperity is to be a channel of abundance to those in need. Whether it is through time, energy, money, or simply your loving kindness, you are here to transform the lives of those in need by sharing selflessly. True generosity does not deplete your resources. True generosity requires you to be rooted and anchored in your own self-care, and learn how to share without bleeding your own life force unnecessarily. Your authentic heartwarming presence is an infinite wellspring of beauty. And as you serve this nectar to others, so to shall you receive greater amounts of abundant love. The universe wants to support channels of charity. Let yourself receive, by learning how to give from an overflowing cup.
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