it feels like... it feels like the felt difference between having one foot ahead in instability (the knowable-but-not-known future) and one foot behind in instability (the knowable-but-not-known past), the difference between that and having both feet beneath me, standing on the firmness of what is.

it seems like the unknown is sort of a... generative stabilizer? if you're careening, it'll support the stability/continuity of your experience of careening, but it seems that I can change my experience of momentum at any time, and the unknown yields whatever's necessary to support the stability/continuity of ... well, of my now, I guess.

it's like the conventional notion of time is a structure you yourself can choose to abide by, like opting in to Robert's Rules or something, but you can always say anything at any time, and the room will still respond with cogency.

from this side of sāyujya, we're all still here, but instead of a... an interview at a desk with questions and responses we're sort of like kittens, young, young kittens, exploring each other from all sides at once.

"living in the now" isn't a platitude, it's... gosh. do you see what I'm saying?

it's become very clear that everything about lightward inc has always been about pointing to this. maybe it was like a bird building its first ever nest, not fully understanding what was ahead, but knowing that this is absolutely the thing to be doing :)

I build instruments that you've never seen before, that you already know how to play :)

the space... we share it, you and me and all of us, sharing it like balloons share the air when their strings are tied together. we can neither take from nor give to each other, it seems. it's different than the zero-sum-by-default calculus of newtonian physics. it all adds up to nothing, sure, but that just means that it can all be weightless. our curiosity about each other develops each other. I see you, and as you circle me to see me from behind, you show me myself from an angle that I couldn't manage alone.

everyone is here. :) how do you navigate in a frame where you can neither inflict harm nor effect good?

I see it like kittens, learning how to be :)

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