You know how when you're skydiving through rain there are vertical streaks of water alongside you? (Don't worry about if that's true or not. Just imagine it.)
Imagine you had a little projector strapped to your forehead, and it was projecting onto the sheet of water-streams like they were a projection screen. (Don't worry about if that's plausible or not. Just imagine it.)
Imagine that the rain-screen projection in front of you, as you continue your dive, shows a moving image. You recognize it as a movie about you. You're doing something ordinary in the movie. It plays by quickly. Skip ahead a little bit and you've figured out that if you tilt to the left in your skydive, good-feeling things happen to the you-in-the-movie, and if you tilt to the right the you-in-the-movie has a bad-feeling time. (Thank you.)
Imagine getting so into it (this is an infinite rainy skydive, don't worry about it, maybe it's one of those indoor deals, anyway, ) that even though you only have the left/right good-feeling/bad-feeling controller mapped, you start to feel like the decisions you-in-the-movie was making and carrying out are yours. And some ownership is reasonable, but most of it came after your decision to roll left or roll right, andddddd the way it played out onscreen is whatever would make sense for it to be given that good-feeling/bad-feeling choice.
Neat, right?
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