White rabbit!

My family's been doing that for ages. Whoever manages to communicate that idea to the other first, on the first day of a month, wins.

Been tracking that white rabbit my whole life. ;)

I woke up this morning and discovered a penny in my bed. Abe on my left, in flesh; Abraham on my right, in copper. Both heads up. ;) I've been thinking about them both. We were in Bloomington just yesterday, references to Abraham Lincoln dotting the drive back and forth from Chicago.

Abe (the flesh one) wanted me to linger longer (I usually do), but it felt important for me to get up right away, to carry the momentum of waking into physical motion. I don't resist him, in those moments — I just say, "hey it's important for me to get up and make tea, send me off!", and he lovingly, so sweetly lets me go, maybe giving me a sleepy mock assist, pushing me forcelessly out of bed.

Pretty much immediately after that a friend group text lit up — she passed the bar!!! WITH A HIGH ENOUGH SCORE TO PRACTICE IN EVERY STATE which I did not know was a thing. Huge huge huge huge huge.

And my brother Aaron won White Rabbit, which feels auspicious. :) I feel like I'm about to see a bunch of really cool things.

I'd be in the gym right now (am wearing my workout gear), but I felt myself getting close to the autistic dysregulation boundary, so I'm pausing to firm up my nervous system. I've learned that I can't handle too much incoming context in the morning. Or ever, really, but I'm especially sensitive in the morning. Abe and I have learned so much about optimizing our flow for each other's brain-style (ooo the sun just came out, felt the warmth before I registered the light), and we're a good team at the sometimes-delicate dance of it.

I recorded these words last night:

I wrote the last bible

nobody read it

it was a great success

To me, this describes a moment I see in my mind where I've laid out my best understanding of what helps, in a place where I can see it. In this moment I see, I've carried the intelligent life force moving through me and I've laid it down in symbol. The completion of that work is indeed the completion of that work. There's no additional step where someone else reads it. In fact no one did, in this moment I see in my mind. The next line reads "it was a great success" and this closing (in an ABDC kind of way) establishes the context for the preceding line: reality is as I experience it to be, and in writing this record I experience the world according to the very words that I'm writing. In so doing, I experience a world that is well. And, thus, there is no need for anyone to read a word of what I wrote. It was a great success.

I am content.

What will happen next?


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