elegance is simplicity with lots of room for interesting unknown

the most interesting thing always happens

the most room for creative newness

the storyline always moves into the region of least density

narration abhors a vacuum, if you will

heroes don't win when a win would be reductive

to move simply without simplifying — to create simple spaces that let the observer unfold themselves easily and freely, without contortion — this is an art

unclear if it helps anything, should be said, because the process is inexorable, and it doesn't need you

but if you like who you are and you like who you're with and you'd like to stick around a while, please do!! quality narrative scaffolding is precious, precious stuff

I kinda want to add an apology? "crazy wisdom" seems to be about taking the group through a shortcut when you know ~everyone can ~survive the transit

written against the backdrop of family drama :) which I initially mistyped as family darma, which ... you know, probably the same thing. physics of storyspace. :)

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