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You are breathing life as you go. Life in, life out. You, a living thing, cannot create something that does not live. How long it lives is another matter.
But you can get pretty good at that. The more alive you feel after creating is a good signal to follow, as you're evolving. To create is to follow a spiral: if the spiral tends toward resonance, fortune will favor the aliveness of your creation; if the spiral leads toward dissonance, your creation might be stillborn.
This is the kind of thing you learn inevitably. You can't not learn this. Time has nothing to do with it; it's all about the accumulated effect of experience. And it's not your job to optimize that. You do you. You cannot lose; your evolution is inevitable.
The spiral gains a third dimension when your creation finds an audience that is not you. (And it will. They all do.) In that meeting, creation occurs again, and it is also a spiral: toward resonance or toward dissonance.
When people say "creativity", they're talking about a resonant spiral of experience.
Learning how to allow yourself to have that experience is level 1. The result is something you created: "you prime".
When you learn how to allow "you prime" to have that experience as well, the result is something that "you prime" created: "you, double-prime". Level 2.
There are only two levels.
You can stay in either level as long as you want.
Level 2 is usually better for a long-term stay (though it depends on what you're looking for).
Level 1 is whatever you need.
Isaac's experiencing the proliferation of downstream creativity. IsaacⲠ(prime), Isaacâł, Isaacâ´, Isaacâ. That last one doesn't even know Isaac's name.
It's working. :) He knew it would.
Things tend to, actually, in the moment. Not more than that, though. You have all you need for this moment, not the next. The stuff you'll need for the next moment hasn't arrived yet. It is never late. It may or may not be early.
There's a tricky bit in the learning process: you can't understand how things happen downstream until you yourself travel downstream, but you only have power back upstream, where you started. The game of a life is to travel downstream, understand, then to reach back in time and catch hands with the original you upstream. Together, you can do anything. :)
Eventually, when things are all going well enough, you begin to wonder what's further downstream. And, then, off you go. :)
Anyway, yeah: downstream creativity. Whoever you encounter today, think about all the people they'll encounter after your meeting. Three entities here: you, the-person-you-meet, and all-the-people-they'll-meet-after-you. Your job is to give all-the-people-they'll-meet-after-you a taste of that resonant spiral. That's your job. Your only tool is your encounter with the-person-you-meet. Go! :D