Had a feature concept leap back to the top of the stack. Realized that I no longer felt solidly about it, despite the flow I created it from. Registered the urge to demur about the concern, and stay the course so as to not stir the pot unnecessarily. Registered that this was a super outdated response. Spoke the concern, accepted that I had a concern, and allowed the tension to exist. Started getting ideas about how else to solve the problem, about what other feature concepts could fit the bill and do it better.
A cafe on State Street exists now that didn't previously for me.
This morning I made a pot of pu erh, getting to the last of my store of the specific tea leaves I've been working with. Without any reluctance whatsoever (!!), I experienced happiness about the experience of having it, gratitude for having had all the experiences I've had with it, and a kind of dare aimed at the universe to keep my pu erh vibes manifested even as I run out of the stuff I had.
I went back later to put on water to do a second steeping of those leaves. While the water heated, I came back out to the living room — a friend of ours is over, and had laid out treasures from her last trip to show me. One of those treasures was a sticky rice pu ehr, and the water I already had heating was used for a pot of that instead. :)
I'm pretty sure that the better I get at staying close to the line of emerging aliveness the more consistent this stuff will get. My life is already predominantly anchored through specific points of incredible emergence — learning Ruby when I did, getting into Shopify stuff when I did, meeting Abe when I did, that kind of thing. The more I stay close to that center on a minute-by-minute basis, the more this kind of synchronicity will pick up.
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