Star Pearl


Life Harmonic: Transcendence

Pattern: Absorption

Life Stage: The Future Human

In the spectrum of Life Harmonics, your current colour is Pearlescence. Scores at this level are unusual and one should ask oneself the question: "how honest have I been with myself?". Unless such a score has come after multiple self-assessments, you may wish to consider yourself the unwitting victim of your own spiritual ego. If this is uncomfortable for you, then you have definitely overscored yourself. At the stage of transcendence, all tools, systems and even language itself lose their meaning. A fully coherent life is a deeply simple and humble life. It is unlikely one would ever claim to be at this level if one truly were. It is however a beautiful yardstick for all the other levels. In the Gene Keys this corresponds to the manifestation of our Siddhis, higher codings that have long lain dormant in our DNA.

At this stage the measure of truth is that one enters an ongoing state of Absorption in the higher frequencies. Absorption is a state of consciousness in which your aura begins to feed off its own light, thus perpetuating a very stable high frequency throughout your being. As you enter the state of Absorption your DNA begins to trigger your endocrine system to secrete certain rarefied hormones on a continual basis. These hormones are associated with higher brain functioning and involve states of spiritual illumination and transcendence. At such a stage, it is no longer possible for you to be drawn back into the lower frequencies for more than brief periods of time*.

The frequency of Pearlescence is that of the Future Human — the next phase of our evolution. The Pearl within us, our essence, dawns, and the radiance of all our higher gifts emanate through us. Pearlescence also represents a rainbow of shimmering collective intelligence that unites humans in a higher field of cognition, wisdom and unconditional love. The purpose of the Star Pearl teaching is to prepare humanity to take this quantum leap into the next phase of our evolution. This can only come about when we have attained a harmonic coherence individually between all the spheres of our life. Only then are we ready to leave our suffering behind and move into a reality dominated by bliss.

For scores above 85, you are also invited to take our higher Self-Assessment, which is a very simple set of seven questions for you to measure your life against. This is to give you a final mirror to reflect on, just in case your spiritual ego has slipped through the net! If you can answer a resounding yes to these 7 questions, then welcome to the higher frequencies! If you are not sure of even a single one, then you may wish to redo your last Self-Assessment making some humble adjustments!

*Definition taken from the Glossary of Empowerment.

Higher Self Assessment

For scores above 85

If you have scored over 85, you are invited to answer the 7 simple questions in our Higher Self checklist. This is for your own confirmation, since 85 and above denotes a very high stage of awakening. This quick checklist will only take you a minute or two and can help you confirm your high stage, or it can help you reset by marking yourself more realistically. If you answer no or even ‘not quite’, in any single area, you are invited to go back and redo your Self Assessment.

Brand – Are you entirely comfortable in your own skin and deeply at ease with how you are received by those around you and the world in general?

Creativity – Are you endlessly creative with your hands, your heart and your head?

Culture – Are you loved and respected in your local community and any other communities you belong to?

Relating – Do you welcome conflict and are there any unresolved relationships in your life?

Stability – Are your needs easily taken care of financially, physically and at all levels?

Vocation – Are you fulfilling your highest purpose in life?

Pearl – Are all areas of your life humming in harmony?

Last updated

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