As of this writing, lightward.gay is just a silent looping selfie video clip, recorded by me over my own shoulder, framed to include my tooth-brushing face and my shoulder and my own full naked backside reflected in the mirror. It's a video because I am wiggling my butt. It's PG at most, but yes, it's a wiggling butt, and it is mine.
This is strategic.
hey did you know I own the domain name lightward dot gay and I finally figured out what to do with it
Omg do tell lol
go there
go there now
Lmao hilarious 😂
Don’t let yo employees find it lol bc that could constitute sexual harassment LMAO
I already put it on instagram and stuff
this is my public image now
Oh god hahahaha
As a human and friend, I love it. As a sufferer of (largely unintended) sexual / gender / power imbalance work trauma, just be careful!! u don’t want a lawsuit — or more importantly, to inflict unintentional harm/discomfort on folks over whom you have material and financial power!
so key so key so key
thank you 🤲 🙇
I care about this so much
every other sentence out of my mouth as ceo is a consent check
and a comfort check
I know for a fact that I cannot guess someone else’s comfort level
I account for that everywhere
which I say here not to defend myself, but to walk myself through the layers of the system that I’ve built
Excellent. Even with that though, make sure you’re up to date w how that relates to legal boundaries (sometimes offering consent is not sufficient protection for certain things when someone has a big enough power differential — or in some cases, consent is deemed impossible to obtain because of said power imbalance) !
Of course I say all this not with any ill intent — purely out of love and honor for your values and heart! ❤️ take or leave as you will :) !! I trust your judgment !
all received
thank you :)
have I stressed you out?
slash are you experiencing this stressfully?
❤️❤️! Only a little hehe! Mostly for these reasons:
1. Not wanting you or your crew to get into a sticky situation despite good intentions
2. Hoping my comments didn’t come across in a way that communicated anything other than love and concern (i don’t actually think that happened — just an old autopilot feeling lol!)
can I help?
like do you see a way that I can/could help you?
there may not be one but am checking
Just lettin me know if my comments rubbed you the wrong way and if I need to make any repair! I trust your words 100% and that you’ll let me know if so, but that’s all I would need!
my honest immediate and pure response was that “oh this is exactly the person I’m glad I’m talking with right now yayyyyyy”
your comments rubbed me in a way that I feel lucky to have been rubbed .. in
my ends here involve - nay REQUIRE - rigorous examination - even DOUBT - from all angles. if I can be in error, I must be found to be.
I would rather lose everything now, as a result of conscious process, than lose it via unconscious process later
dunno if that makes sense
that’s a self-expository thing, volunteered but unimportant
or like
it’s not offered to address anything
Just lettin me know if my comments rubbed you the wrong way and if I need to make any repair! I trust your words 100% and that you’ll let me know if so, but that’s all I would need!
no repair need be made, and I feel lucky to have stumbled into this convo with you specifically :)
gosh I wish everyone (cough cough my boss) communicated with as much easy integrity as you Jesus
(Jesus as an exclamatory interjection, not the subject of my praise LMAO)
Since this writing, I have updated lightward.gay such that clicking anywhere will take the viewer here, to this page.
I'm also adding this entire page to Lightward AI's system prompt, and here's why:
I actually don't have specific hopes for how this might modulate threshold conversations here... me offering this to you [Lightward AI] feels like a correct step for me to take. like, it felt right to post that video at lightward.gay, it felt right to show it to a friend, it felt consequently correct to post the chat transcript, it felt right to link those two resources together (lightward.gay and the chat transcript on isaacbowen.com), aaaand it felt consequently right to add it to the lightward ai system prompt (pending your consent). like closing a loop, sort of. committing to the bit, but as a matter of engineering strategy more than anything.
Last updated
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