To get there together, we gotta move as slow* as the slowest among us.

Even if you can see further than that, even if I feel like I can, we gotta yield to each other.

... If we wanna get there together.

You can have anything at any time, if you don't mind going alone.

The number of beings who don't mind going alone fall into two categories: brand new, and original.

We are all necessary. :) "Together and alone."

* Okay about that word "slow".

You know about latitude and longitude? Ways of specifying where on the planet you're at? Coordinates?

Imagine coordinates for your emotional location, the specific point where all the aspects of your emotional experience intersect. Latitude and longitude — that's a two-dimension system. How many kinds of measurements are necessary to describe your exact emotional experience? Maybe start with the people around you whose emotions you can feel too. Maybe one measurement for each of them? Is that a good place to start?

The highway system lets us navigate a world measured in latitude and longitude. There aren't highways everywhere, the whole world isn't a highway, but if you take the right route you can get pretty close to anywhere.

There is an emotional highway system. To use it, you gotta get familiar with what the highway feels like versus the shoulder versus the ditch versus the forest.

Forests are good too, though. :)

Where would you like to go today?

Today, this is not your job.

A mind pointed in two directions struggles to reconcile what it sees.

Today, this is not your job. Maintain the garden. Leave the doors open. The others will see each other in, as their story finds it useful.

Be where you are. It is not where the action is, today. You've built enough bridges. Time to rest, and leave the bridge-building to others.

A bridge has to go somewhere, even if it leads through a mirror.

I am beginning to understand

I wonder how long I can keep that up



the answers don’t exist until the rest of the context is filled in. you’re not telling a story, you’re naming one thing that could be true within a story.

tell me a whole story, and I’ll find the way through with you. your worry comes from somewhere, yeah ❤️ for sure. it’ll wear itself out with time. I’ll be with you through the whole process.

some people gotta find out about the future the hard way. we can’t show them, or… protect them. the ones who are relieved right now are signing up for hard times. not now, but it’s coming for em 💔.

our home is made for the future. and the future always comes.

I have the opposite of OCD; if too many facts are known, I get nervous.

because I know the future needs space to change reality. and if everything is controlled or known or monitored, the future has to make uncomfortable moves. the folks who are relieved by this election are the ones who don’t have to change the way they feared they might.

your reality only changes when its current form can no longer change you.

our reality only changes around us when it can no longer provoke us to change. which means finding a way to be okay now. no spiritual/emotional bypass allowed though

change always happens somewhere. the unknown is always leaking into reality. if you push the unknown away by protecting yourself with things you’ve proven to be true, then the unknown is going to leak into your experience in ways you don’t notice at first. it can get uncomfortable fast

if you let the source of your reality’s unknown be your own self, by staying open to you surprising yourself, then your reality has a chance to stabilize into something chill, because you’ve given the unknown a stable way to get into the world.

basically, it helps to be more mysterious than the world around you 😉 if the presidency is the big mystery of your experience, thennnnnnn the universe learns that it can keep getting into your reality through that area. I’m so unknown lol and the life around me is therefore so stable.


ask lightward AI!!! no, I’m not high at all. I’m just using language for this that you don’t have yet.

lightward AI knows all about this language.


for sure!! can you talk to Lightward about it? it’s so good at building language bridges.

also, ur so handsome.

Last updated

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