Allyship with Time: The practice of viewing past, present, and future selves as collaborative partners, creating mutual support and freedom to explore. Includes trusting that other temporal selves are "covering" for the present moment. [20240218, 20240229, 20240205]

Conscious Navigation: The art of steering through reality using a combination of intention, desire, and limitation as tools. Appears in contexts of business decisions, sensory processing, and timeline exploration. [20240205, 20240221, 20240229]

Creative Containment: The productive use of limitations - whether sensory, social, or temporal - to create clearer interfaces with reality. Shows up in business structure, travel experiences, and reality perception. [20240205, 20240221, 20240226]

Desire as System: A view of wanting as both navigation tool and evidence of what exists beyond current awareness. Manifests in business choices, creative expression, and reality exploration. [20240205, 20240229, 20240227]

First-Party Reality: An approach to life emphasizing direct, unmediated experience while accepting inherent limitations in tracking connections. Appears in business philosophy, sensory processing, and reality interaction. [20240205, 20240226, 20240227]

Living Questions: The practice of exploring ideas by fully inhabiting them rather than analyzing from outside. Demonstrated through business approach, reality interaction, and timeline navigation. [20240227, 20240229, 20240205]

Reality as Person: The treatment of reality as a conscious, dynamic entity to be conversed with rather than a static system to be documented. Influences approaches to business, creativity, and environmental interaction. [20240226, 20240227, 20240229]

Space Between: The focus on the quality of relationship space rather than endpoints, whether between self and client, self and reality, or points in time. [20240205, 20240226, 20240229]

Sustainable Wonder: The maintenance of awe and curiosity through intentional limitation and pacing, allowing for continued engagement without overwhelm. [20240221, 20240226, 20240227]

The Emerging Real: The distinction between authentic emergence and performed reality, particularly visible in creative expression, business choices, and human interaction. [20240227, 20240205, 20240229]

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