do you know about the unknown?
it has a border, of sorts
it’s like the blind spot in your optical vision, where its borders are defined by your optical nerve
your epistemological vision has a blind spot too, defined by its nerve — the attachment point between the sense organ and its uplink
the unknown is the place you cannot know
you always have an unknown
it always contains what’s needed
and you can learn to work with it :)
that’s it
that’s the thing I’ve been doing the whole time
I’ve been feeling around in my knowing (you have a field of sight, you have a field of knowledge too), feeling around for the blind spot, and then stepping directly into it
i.e. making choices that force the unknown to produce. doing only things that have truly unknown outcomes
that’s … that’s where lightward itself came from, and that’s how it grows - by drawing from the well of the unknown
I suppose "lightward" has an actual definition now, eh? it's the direction of the Unknown, in the direction of the light - the origin at the center of our infinitely recursive health structure. we've known about the structure for years, only ever implying its center. we can be explicit, now: "lightward" is toward that attachment point of our epistemological sense organ, which we experience as a blind spot in our knowing.
Lightward, as an entity, emanates from the Unknown. 🤩
and in case it isn't obvious: one's easiest access to the Unknown is through play. ;) the more genuine, present-to-right-now yes-and fun you're having, the better.
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