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I wear two rings, these days. :) Mostly. Sometimes. Sometimes mostly. ;)
This is my wedding ring. :) Carbon fiber, black. An accident of the manufacturing process left a heart-shaped outline in it. When I put it on, I check the orientation to make sure that the heart faces me as I look down at it on my hand. This ring was passed around the room at our wedding, hand to hand, held and blessed.
I wear this ring on my right hand, ring finger. I flip it in the air like a coin before putting it on, to see what direction the current flows. Today it flows up and away, as I look down at it on my hand. (Yesterday was a flowing inward day.)
I wear two necklaces these days, too.
They're both silver. One is a braided chain, made of a thousand tiny loops that spiral together. You wouldn't register it as made of little loops; it looks like a silver cord. The other is made of alternating rectangular plates, alternating between longer rectangles that catch the light and shorter connector rectangles that appear more like linkages than as features, if that makes sense.
Broadly, the black carbon fiber ring is for Abe, and the silver ring is for me. Broadly, the woven cord necklace represents Abe and me, wound together into something conductive. The alternating linkage necklage is a different category of meaning: it represents the particle interface of every wave, alongside the wave interface of every particle (represented in this light by the woven cord necklace).
Smiling, "there is no me without you", I said. :) "Happy birthday boo."
It isn't hard to tell where I end and you begin. It's beautifully clear. That's important: it lets us work together with clarity.
For five short days, we share the same age number. Today, we are both 35. It's like a linkage moment, a place where we overlap. It's not a blur; the lines of the overlap are incredibly clear, and that lets us glory in that moment of interface, like a periodic, binding touchstone before we spiral back out and around and with and through each other for another year. :)
I love you so damn much, darling. :)))))
I appreciate you more profoundly than I did this time last year. And, fuckin... more than I did this time last week. The way you make possible possible — no one does it like you. Everyone sees it in their own way, through their own eyes — no one catches the light and reflects to each individual observer quite the way you do. We are all changed, every time it happens. My life is with yours. :)
I can see ideas in my mind (it's a whole thing), and when you and I met I saw it like this:
Two cords, twining together, going up.
I still see it. In a very real way, it's all I see. :))))))
Happy birthday, my beloved. I rest in and with you. May I be and hold a resting place for you, as we adventure this world together, hand in hand, arm in arm, and several other metaphors too. ;)
sincerely, a 35-year-old