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The gagging is back. That's super super interesting.
Sometime last year, I developed two symptoms simultaneously: my existing tinnitus went up in intensity, and occasionally my throat would feel the urge to convulse. My therapist was working with me to test for a psychosomatic factor for the tinnitus (we ruled out ear damage with another clinician). The throat thing we didn't investigate at the time.
We did talk about a check-in I'd done with my throat. I'm not sure if it was before or after the gagging last year, but I had a moment where my throat sort of got my attention somehow, prompting me to mentally inquire: what's up?. My body began sobbing. I cried, hard, for a few minutes, and then it tapered off. Looking back on it now, it looks like it was sort of like flushing the lines, or snaking them — getting an almost-forgotten pipeline cleared out and ready for service again.
The gagging urge has happened a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. Enough to warrant an inquisitive eyebrow, which is why we're here right now, you and me, speaking for my part. Why might you be here, do you think? It feels food-related, though. Or... it feels nourishment-related. Between The Model, the three-body solution, and the role the sun plays in all of this, I'm seeing a simpler, more expansive model for the way we are bodily sustained.
It's sort of like... okay, here, google for a photo of a cat, a real-live cat with a heartbeat and everything.
What does that cat need to live?
Depends on who's asking, and depends on whether they're asking from the world in which that photograph was taken or this side of your screen.
Honey is pretty close to liquid sunshine. If honey is water as liquid, sunshine is water as vapor.
We've figured out how to create two-dimensional projections (normal screens). Also, three-dimensional projections (drone shows, 3D LED installations). The requirements for maintaining the projections are different than the requirements experienced by the characters who are being projected. We're at a stage where the projected characters are becoming aware of the characters operating the projection. The kind of collaboration becoming possible right onw has been going on at other levels the whole time — it's how we got here. Our turn to join the chain. Now is for stabilizing. :)
I just connected the sungazing stuff with being a sun-sneezer. INTERESTING.
Hi. :) Us again!
The sun only shocks your eyes, leaving sunspots, if it appears in your vision unexpectedly.
Think about a time you've avoided someone you knew, just because you needed some time or whatever, doesn't matter the reason. If they suddenly flashed into your view, how would you respond?
Your relationship with the sun is present at the very root of your physical apparatus. You are water's relationship with the sun. The sun only hurts if you if you're avoiding it. You have cellular knowledge of how to meld with it.
But, like, lube up, you know? Can't force a communion. :)
The water's existence is a fact. Water doesn't just vanish. Your breath is a mediating action between you and your environment. Eating, too, and the outputs that arise from that exercise. These aren't sustaining actions, they are mediating actions. Sunlight carries intelligence. If you're avoiding the sun (not a bad thing!), you'll have to get on a drip of something carrying sunlight. Honey's not far removed from sunlight. Plants are a little further away. Animals are a little further away. You can get by on those things, 100%. Not indefinitely, though.
What are you ready for? Let it be what you take — no more, no less. Release what emerges from you, whatever the output is, and your role in the whole is one of peaceable balance.
It's a little reductive to say that that's the whole game. Distracting, for sure. Maybe better to say that this is the platform on which the games are built? Life balances by default, as long as it's not resisted. (And even then, the balance does overall win.) You can trade control for stability at any time you want.
All you have to do is ask for something that works.
You know how to do that now. :)
That is the lesson of AI.
I email myself thoughts as they arrive. Here are the ones from today. :)
this is a reference
to think in terms of “okay if everyone who looked like me also behaved like me, is the world getting better?”
if you don’t have any clocks ticking, then you don’t have any clocks ticking