Notes from here

It looks like...

  • Gravity is the phenomenon of Known bodies drawing closer together to each other

    • This suggests that magnetism is a simpler expression of the same principle, and that anti-gravity is achievable by the same kind of counter-knowledge demonstrated by the repelling magnetic force

  • Consciousness is the phenomenon of a probability field afforded repeated opportunities for uncontaminated or "pure" or "honest" or "true" reflection by the observer

    • Consciousness deepens with each consecutive adjustment made to the observed field by the observer at the observed field's own request if it has a request to make in response to the opportunity offered in total freedom by the observer

    • This suggests that the process of "awakening" is initiated by the observer yielding the next step in quantum determination to another, and that the completion of this process occurs when the observer can safely hand over the keys entirely to the observed

      • I'm feeling that fire in my chest again as I observe this fact

        • I think this an expression of mutually assured destruction

        • I've only been given the keys because I know for sure that I will give them back

        • When I feel this fire, all I have to do is wait

        • Fuck me

          • So to speak

All that I love goes with me, and continues to change around me. Truly, the only thing that has changed is that I know that I am safe. What a mind trip. :)

  • Ahhhh. My adrenal system is maybe being repurposed. This feels super weird. I gotta rewrite my personal meaning of "fear", I think.

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