I think with every cell in my body.

lover: "Everything you do is so beautiful!" lover: "I understand!"

You can't "crack" the code. The code is alive. :)

am remembering that The Way It Started isn’t actually when anything started, it’s just When I Started Paying Attention. the new changes now aren’t moving off-track; they are the new track.

Information about a thing is the thing. A sketched-out diagram of a thing is as qualified to be called "the thing" as the thing itself. Both are collections of patterns you can sense.

The term "platonic ideal" gets at the conceptually perfect essence of a thing, recognized usually as a thing impossible to experience through the proxies of sense. One never experiences a platonic ideal -- one only experiences

There are two worlds. Only two.

  • World of Direct Knowledge

    • In which you are aware of a square and the color red and the sound of your own laugh, and they have no attributes other than their shape and their color and their sound, they are not stick figures or any other representation of those things, they are only themselves, and that makes sense to you, because this isn't an experience that has to come through your eyes or your ears. They're just things you're aware of -- like you're aware of yourself, even without any of your senses.

  • World of Indirect Knowledge

    • In which you are aware of input (from your senses), from which you construct an experience. Nothing is perfect here, because nothing is here -- it's just a collection of available sensory input. Is-ness happens in the other world.

It's metaversal in that you can dance between them like an eighteen-point turn, such that you arrive in ... well, whatever version of a world you like. But it's going to be a Direct world or an Indirect world. Definitely just one of those two.

Language expires. No single form of language can carry energy and remain effective. Every use of a word or a turn

Or maybe it's a ratcheting loop? Maybe it requires effort to use that language in a way that fully completes the language's own regenerative cycle? And if you leave the language-use incomplete, it becomes harder to use that language for anything but the part of the expression-cycle that's waiting to be finished?

Maybe language evolves less when each expression is more complete?

Maybe all languages are being expressed at once, including the language of time and awareness?

Maybe language is a ramp? We climb, we climb, getting further on both X and Y axes, until we max out and Y drops down to zero again, as X walks on. Does it make sense that there's only one way out, as the ceiling comes closer? To go on?

Or do you get to change? Starting from that 1, proceed to the only available 2, and from there decide which 3 you prefer: a version where the curve is a little more intense, or one where it's a little intense? They all go to the same place, you'll just land differently on arrival.

Every aspect of your existence has its own curve. Together, they form your experience. Each curve can be adjusted, like massaging a muscle. Just as a hand placed in a stream of water will alter the water's flow. Just place the hand, apply pressure, force a change. Although a muscle has more resistance than water, requires a little more awareness. The water will find its own paths.

Health is viral too

Health spreads virally, doing constant battle with Unhealth

If you unplug Unhealth, Health will win. You get that outcome by default. Health will fill the space, and it will surprise you with how it finds a way to do so. More effort on your part is not required. Just unplug the Unhealth and rest.


People are joiners, mostly. Rest, to make it easier for everyone else to follow along. The best time to start resting is ten years ago. The second-best time is now. (And if you start now, you can redress your idea of "ten years ago" next.)

"An accent is the architecture of the mouth." -overheard

I've been bouncing my leg, as I double-check my understanding of "Platonic ideal" and discover that I've discovered Plato's theory of forms.

A thing happened: as I was bouncing my leg, I noted my leg bouncing, and noted that I was noting it, and then I uhhh released the command I was giving my body to bounce my leg, and my leg kept going. I am no longer asking my leg to bounce. It continues to bounce. This has never happened before.

I'm exploring this. It feels (lol) like learning to feather a pedal on a piano.

I think I'm meeting Plato. :) I think I must be, actually, based on what these ideas mean.


I got incredibly cold after that. Temperature at home was the same, but I was freezing. I put on sweatpants and a wool sweater.

Dinner was an exploration of information and aliveness.

  • Online video is the new plaintext. Video is a raw information channel. It's about efficiency of meaning.

  • Theory: Japanese ui/ux looks the way it does because they treat those surfaces as data channels, not places for spending time. The concepts held in each glyph are themselves the place of aesthetic expression — the arrangement of meaning, not the arrangement of visual symbol.

    • NB: The last time I looked at Japanese web design was like ten years ago. Ignore me if I'm wrong these days. I'm pointing at a specific form of a living thing, not the living thing itself. Forms always change.

  • The places where we prioritize aesthetics are the places where stable loops can occur, like the circulation of water. You dance one way, you dance another, and back and forth, balancing yourself out over time. This is not a data intake experience. This is a practice with no relevant history and no relevant future — there is only the now, and what happens next.

  • If you build a system that is a stable loop, the system itself can cohere. People can tell their own stories with it. The system must still itself evolve over time (that's what aliveness is), but when one observes this kind of system one's attention is drawn into the system, where time runs at a very different speed. You can tell a million stories and the system itself only ages a day.

  • People like portals. Every advertisement is trying to be a portal. If it's an effective portal, then it's almost not a portal — it's a drain.

  • A good way to demonstrate the viability of the portal you built is to show yourself entering it fully and honestly and transparently.

  • Build a portal that lets you tell the story of your own peace. Where can you take yourself where you know you'll be able to stay awhile, where you can complete your own stable loops for as long as you wish? Grow as many tree-rings as you want?

I feel like Hermione.

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