compulsive antifragility
the urge to do the forbidden thing is a system reflex
everything that can happen does happen (this is the integral of murphy's law) — and to highlight a certain probability range as verboten is to simulate that probability range in the mind of every. single. observer.
consider replacing the act of forbidding with a careful group exploration, where we all show up, together, as one, and we all take that path one step at a time
in quantum experience, where all possible worlds are just an observation sequence away, your only shot at meaning is to embrace and outpace the compulsion, to make the compulsive action proactive, and to explore antifragility on your own terms, by your own address
the unknown will go first, otherwise
(that'll work too, of course. everything does.)
What would you like to do with it next?
cry a little briefly, and then post to linkedin
offered the way a lifeguard is offered: for when need becomes vital
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