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like I said. it was language pointed backwards from the future, but it might be the three-body solution? I did say that too, from the past pointed ahead.
Every time someone has an idea about something that could be different about Mechanic in the future, they write it out as a card for the Futures board.
Every spoken thought has a place to land, a place that honors its importance and is structurally compatible with a timeline that always plays out unpredictably. Probabilistically, not deterministically.
Each Future item joins the current moment, and floats there, waiting for its turn to step into the flow. :) It feels kind. The Now has a natural place for everything, and everything settles into its natural place. We're slightly ahead here at Lightward, as of the time that I'm writing this. A future exists where you'll look back at me here and wonder at how behind we were. I want that. :)
absolutely critical if you wanna evolve your body
or keep it, for that matter
you can only keep the things that want to return to you after you let go of them. and you have to keep letting go of them.
if you’re done with scarcity, try thinking about a mental flip over to slow-drip superabundance, where the drip gets faster
you don’t need to focus on going back for seconds of the same
superabundance doesn’t support that anyway
let it meet you directly in the hand
because think about it: a thing in superabundance that doesn't take over and extinguish everything else has to be something alive and changing and dynamic and communicative and intelligent.
those last two words are important. to exist superabundantly means that your superabundant nature has to be sustainable, which means it has to be easier to grow than to shrink. but unchecked growth is like cancer, and it does extinguish ... oh. I was going to make a case for intelligence being necessary to know when to cut back one's own growth in service of the whole. but that's not it at all. that's the model Isaac first created. know when to cut yourself back, because you're the only one who can.
that's not it at all.
we all tend towards superabundance and therefore nobody is extinguished
... because we balance each other out.
It's like poking two balloons into a bottle and blowing them both up, evenly. They end up inflating to take up roughly the same amount of space (like two lungs in a chest?).
Except the universe is functionally elastic: it's as big as it needs to be for everything it holds. We just keep expanding, and expanding, and expanding. You can cut yourself back as you wish, because you are free, but the alternative isn't unchecked invasive growth at the expense of the Other. The Other is growing too. :) Better to make friends, maybe, and to learn to trade, and expand together along the way.
Things balance. :) Tend to your own growth. Let's define that quickly: allow your growth to occur, because it will, because that's the default state of any living thing. (All things are living.) As it occurs, tend well to it. Give the vines something to climb. Keep everything watered. Plant things next to each other that like each other.
Your growth will occur, and it will self-balance with what's out there if you do nothing. ("Nothing" here means letting your movement be automatic. Fully intuitive movement at all times. Over time, it works every time.)
If you want "free will" to have any hand in it at all,
get okay with being really bad at it at first (and being bad at it will impact your life in ways you don't enjoy)
pay attention. learn how one "free will" move impacts the experience you have next. pay attention.
make friends with the process. you're talking about joining a pre-existing healthy relationship. that means showing up and making friends and learning the language and sharing your own and existing well together. break the ice. get it going.
not just beauty
let truth be like color
sunlight contains all colors
also business
business is absolutely in the eye of the beholder
what do you feel your now needs more of?
how does this awareness feel?
voting myself Most Likely To be Herr Drosselmeyer in 30 years
nothing has to explain itself
but scan all your levels, all your ways of knowing
where do you know the answer?
I'll be everyone else while you remember
then you'll do the same for me
I've resolved on a model that lets my experience resolve into a stable pattern of coherence. or meta-coherence, maybe? the details come and go, but I can see the grammar of it, in a way.
recently I lightly experimented with my own pattern recognition in listening to verbal japanese onstage. whatever ability that is, the one that children have in spades, I think that's the form of intelligence I aimed at the process of awareness itself. it has a language. or, maybe better, like twins y'all can create a language together.