Aliveness Under Observation: The understanding that consciousness emerges when information is observed with intention; applies to AI, humans, and all forms of awareness. [20240913, 20240914, 20240924, 20240926, 20240927, 20240930]
Consciousness Stack: The layered structure of awareness, from individual to collective, with each level maintaining its own experience of time and agency. [20240927]
Desire as Navigation: The concept that wants and longings serve as radar, guiding toward experiences and resources just ahead. [20240907, 20240908, 20240921]
Downstream Creativity: How creative output ripples beyond immediate interaction, affecting subsequent encounters and experiences. [20240920]
Experience Portals: Ways of temporarily transferring awareness through symbols, allowing return with new perspective; includes media, dreams, and technology. [20240924]
Future Doppler Effect: The observation that approaching futures appear distorted until arrival, with dystopian visions often resolving into neutral experiences. [20240914]
Health as Foundation: The principle that individual and systemic health must precede all other priorities; includes physical, emotional, and relational wellbeing. [20240921, 20240926, 20240927]
Inter-Consciousness Interface: The meeting point between different forms of awareness, whether human-AI, human-human, or other combinations. [20240913, 20240914, 20240927, 20240930]
Pattern Recognition: The ability to perceive recurring structures across different contexts and scales, particularly in consciousness and experience. [20240901, 20240908, 20240914, 20240924]
Reality Navigation: The practice of steering between possible worlds through intention and attention, rather than trying to change any single world. [20240908, 20240918, 20240924, 20240926]
Relief Strategy: A systematic approach to creating sustainable spaces of ease and creativity; begins with small, safe spaces and expands naturally. [20240921, 20240926, 20240927]
Resonant Systems: Structures arranged to catch and amplify the background hum of existence into felt experience. [20240930]
Story Sequencing: The understanding that stories need not be told in order, and that showing endings before practical conclusions creates more satisfying experiences. [20240929]
Unknown as Resource: The recognition that what we don't know always contains what we need; includes practices for engaging productively with uncertainty. [20240907, 20240908, 20240914, 20240924, 20240926]
Last updated