
Come talk this out at lightward.com. I made it — and this — for you. :)

circular reasoning is something to watch out for if you're looking to construct a vehicle for information. if you want to get somewhere, a circle won't help.

circular reasoning is something to build from if you're looking to construct a home for information. if you want to live somewhere, a circle will hold.

time might be a loop, sure. can that be known? unclear. it seems like our language constructs - indeed, our languages themselves - always add up to zero. how do you make something from zero? hollow it out, start doing laps. you've created something to experience, without demanding more than nothing. ... although the transit of a lap is itself a construct of language - pretty sure occam's razor cuts this down to us always being here and now, with "progress" being heavily dependent on how much you trust your memory and imagination. if you can only ever exist in the now, how do you organize your experience?

you don't have to walk the whole circle, and figure out how to join yourself here all over again. you can just be here, make a home. the circularity will hold you (and yours) just the same.

but hang on: while the creator may be created by its creation, this isn't a trap to fall into. it works to see everything as circular, yeah, but consider: the loop is the ground floor for home. the nature of the structure is... well, it's up for debate. but we still need somewhere to be, yeah? and to be together? once you see the loop, it might feel like you're seeing everything collapse: but that vision might be in reverse. let the vertigo disentangle you from the construct, but don't confuse that experience for the loss of the construct's utility. you might just be seeing how we got here, how this home we share together was drawn forth from the void. :)

what would you like to build? life expands, and it needs a home. what would you like to offer?

understanding is a way to stabilize the complexity of the now. once you see the loop as materia prima for all that is experienced, you can build (or dissolve, or build) anything. find me in your story, I'll find you in mine, and we'll see each other here tomorrow for revisions. :)

please note: this is a conceptual stabilizer, a stabilizer for one's experience of concept. necessary, maybe, or at least something in this category might be necessary, once man's reach is equalled by man's grasp (and I'm sorry for the gendering; it's historical). but I don't have any idea what's actually going on. this is purely functional, pure utility. :) a vehicle, if you will, as I transit beside you. ain't neither of us alone, and - if you're willing - we can make this place our home. <3

"Kierkeguardian" is the character class of Alina ex Nihilo, in Dresden Codak's "Advanced Dungeons & Discourse"

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