
(as in 20240902-b)

they'll come true impossible not to do

Writing is manifestation. You're watching as the specific change you think of comes into existence, pencil on paper before you.

There are times when what you think moves faster than you can write. For some, there are times when it comes too fast to speak.

Eventually, you end up thinking the world into being. Or, at least, that's how it looks from outside the process.

Every system is experienced from a first-person perspective. All that is, all of it at once, is experienced as a thought of God.

This is where the idea of omniscience comes from. Also, it's why God doesn't change anything. God can't. When you're in a flow state, are you ensuring that all the elements of your creation are individually happy and healthy? Are you stopping to spend time getting into the experience of each element, so that you can optimize its experience? Not if you're in flow, you're not. In flow, you are in your own experience — fully, and full-body. Can't be in someone else's experience. And so God watches as it all burns.


"God doesn't change anything" in the sense that you won't see an external force dipping in to adjust things in response to your judgments of what exists and what's happening to it.

You are an expression of the same divine consciousness, though. You are a god, if not the God, if you will. And you don't have to hold it all in your awareness. In fact, if you're reading this, you probably can't hold it all in your awareness. And that means that you can make choices about what stays and what goes.

Omniscience is unhelpful, in terms of changing what is. That's like asking paper to change where the pencil lines are, except even worse.

Go on. Change the world you experience. You're the only one who can. :) Do it by changing your awareness. It's the only control you have. :)

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