
Iā€™m concerned worried freaking rather nervous about MIT. My application was deferred, like 90% of them, and Iā€™ll find out in March if Iā€™m among the 10% of the deferred that are accepted.

Statistically, the odds are somewhat against me. My test scores generally fit in to the upper-mid-range of the middle 50% accepted (well, excepting my SAT Math Reasoning score, which was abysmal. Oddly, the SAT Subject Math II test score was far better), but theyā€™re nothing stellar against MITā€™s normā€¦

Meh. I just want to find out, one way or another. If Iā€™m in, Iā€™m in, and Iā€™ll be in Massachusetts this time next year. (Actually not; itā€™ll be Christmas break still.) If Iā€™m not, Iā€™ll either be at Madison, Northwestern College, or Illinois Tech. Or hey ā€“ I could always go to Nicolet. :) Thoughā€¦ I truly think that MIT is my best match. (Albeit itā€™s whether Iā€™m the best match for MIT that matters.) Itā€™s a higher-level technically-inclined school that also puts emphasis on the right half of the brain ā€“ creative intellect. Which is what Iā€™m about, and not many schools of MITā€™s caliber work hard at achieving that balance.

Geeeahhh. Iā€™m generally able to put aside worry. The promise that ā€˜all things work together for good for those who love God according to his purposeā€™ is something that I hold to tightly, and I suppose it applies in my post-secondary education as wellā€¦ Kinda bothers me that I canā€™t get myself past worry here in this relatively inconsequential item. I mean, yes, it does matter which college I end up going to, but one way or another, I think I will end up at a decent institution.

But, what happens happens, and the world wonā€™t end come March. Then again, maybe it will, and the whole thing will be moot. You never know.

Washington & Lee has kindly reminded me that ā€œitā€™s not too late too apply!ā€ Bah. Colleges that spam donā€™t rank very high on my list. If a college needs to resort to spam to find applicants, then is it really any good?


Anyway. The day has come and gone, and just now itā€™s 9:30 pm. Ethan and Mom are still in Marshfield (though Ethan is likely to be released tomorrow-ish), and mostly everyone else is in the parlor watching Pride and Prejudice. Really an excellent film. Nothing terribly interesting on Facebookā€¦ Hm. I think Iā€™m done here.

Enjoy the evening, should you read this yet today. Cheers.

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